So you need a script ...
Script Writing: Sales and Service
You've decided that cinematic skills are your strength, but whether they're in the narrative or documentary fields, you're really not going to show them off without a strong script. And that's the rub: writing scripts may not be your strength.
Okay, here's the proposition: I'll write the script for you. Your ideas or mine. I'll bring the same skills to your project as I've brought to other companies.
Budget? Simple. whatever you like. You get my time, as much or as little as you want to pay for. And it's extraordinarily reasonable time, as you'll discover. If you like, I'll write your script as fast as I can type, or alternatively, we can develop it together through careful consultation. It's the same talent and commitment either way.
The Development of Your Screenplay
Most commercially successful films are based of screenplays that are recognizably "good ideas". If you are an able screenwriter, you may be able to turn your concept into a polished script. In this case, you might be interested in my reading service, below.
On the other hand, people who have good film ideas may not be writers. Or they may not have the time to undertake the writing of a lengthy project. That's where I can personally help you. As your ghostwriter, I'll work with you to transform your idea into a script that would not embarrass an industry professional. You retain the writing credit (Why not? It was your idea.), the copyright and any future revenue stream.
How would we go about it? Just call me at the number below or send me an e-mail. We can talk the matter over in confidence. You don't have to reveal your idea until we have formal confidentiality agreements in place. I charge no up-front retainer or other suspect fee. We proceed hour by hour and you are always on top of our developing work.
It's that simple. I'm your man. Call me.
Robert Buckland at
Call me at
1-(six-one-three) 659-3666
Text me at
1-(six-one-three) 572-3666
E-mail me at
Skype me at
Write me at
640 Sand Bay Road,
Lansdowne, Ontario, Canada K0E 1L0
(Are two heads better than one?)WORKING ON A NON-FICTION BOOK
(Speaking truth to the world)WORKING WITH A GHOSTWRITER
(You're the author - I'm the writer)